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The Farmer's Market is now accepting vendors! Vendors are responsible for furnishing the application to the town office. Application can be dropped off during business hours or via the opening on the town door.
The 2023 Annual Wastewater performance report has been added to the documents page.
The St. Pauls Junior Police Cadets new time to meet is Tuesdays at 5pm. Actively accepting new members, for more information check out the blog post under the happening now section
Business of the Month
Yard of the Month
St. Pauls Farmer's Market
The Farmer's Market is now accepting vendors! Vendors are responsible for furnishing the application to the town office. Application can be dropped off during business hours or via the opening on the town door. Click on the document below to download the rules and vendor application.
Town of St. Pauls Hiring
The Town of St. Pauls is hiring a temporary part time laborer. This position is for 32 hours a week. Please click on the pdf for a job description and application. Application and job description are also available at town hall located at 210 W. Blue St., St. Pauls. Open until filled. St. Pauls is an equal opportunity employer.
Police Department Hiring
The St. Pauls Police Department is looking to hire part-time dispatchers and full-time police officers.
Individuals hired as part-time dispatchers will be required to attend a week long certification class and will be utilized to fill shift vacancies when a full-time dispatcher is off.
Applicants applying for the full-time police officer position(s) must have completed the BLET program and pass a background check and physical and psychological examinations.
St. Pauls Police Department offers one of the top salary and benefit packages in the area as well as incentive pay for acquiring certain specific training.
Any individual interested in applying for either position can pick up an application at St. Pauls Police Department.
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