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Town of St. Pauls, NC
ABC Board

ABC Members
Chris Jackson
Sara Hayes
Jerry Weindel
Sandy Cain
Bobby Evans

Brief History of ABC Boards
In 1937, an Alcoholic Beverage Control bill was enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly that created the foundation for the system of control we operate under today. This Act allowed voters in each county to determine whether or not spirituous liquor should be sold at retail. If approved by the local voters, the Act provided for the establishment of a local ABC Board that has the authority and duty to operate one retail ABC store. If disapproved at the county level, local towns or municipalities could then vote on the issue. The Act also provided for the establishment of a State ABC Commission to have oversight authority with respect to each local ABC Board.
Today, there are 167 local ABC systems in the State that operate 422 retail stores. Fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, the retail and mixed beverage sales totaled approximately $727 Million. County and municipal ABC Boards in North Carolina are local independent political subdivisions of the State. They operate as separate entities establishing their own policies and procedures.
Each local ABC Board consists of a Chairman and two to six (depending on the Board size) board members appointed by their city, town or county governing authority. They retain authority to set policy and adopt rules in conformity with ABC Laws and Commission Rules.*
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